Sometimes I am too serious--and God help me if I stay too serious. The fleeting glimpses of summer weather have made me reminiscent of and yearn for the days of being a kid and spending my months out of school playing capture the flag in my neighborhood, going to summer camp at Silver Creek Falls, playing in the sprinklers with my best friends (because come on, its Oregon--we don't have pools in our backyards), and jumping on the trampoline ALL. DAY. LONG. Those were the days, man. I am definitely a person who is affected by the weather. If it is sunny and warm out, I swear my mood is immediately enhanced. I'm a summer baby, born smack-dab in the middle of July. No two ways around it.
I have compiled a short and sweet list of the things I love most about summer time:

- The smell of freshly cut grass
- Filthy feet because I never wear shoes
- Getting burned by the metal seat belt when you get into a hot car
- BBQs
- Firecrakers/Fourth of July in general
- Sundresses
- Going to the lake and camping
- Having it be light outside and warm until at least 9pm
- Outdoor concerts
- The Art Fair
- Getting tannnnnnn
I too am too serious. So I'm down with your thoughts here. Let's go buy Old E 40s.