Thursday, December 24, 2009

60-39 on the Party-Line and Doin' it for Ted

At 7:05am the United States Senate passed a bill that will overhaul the nation's inefficient and costly health care system. The passage of this bill, which is similar to the bill passed in the other chamber last month, will now open the airways for negotiation with House of Reps to finally get a bill into a law and bring the health care to tens of millions of Americans.

Senator Robert C. Byrd, the 92-year-old Democrat from West Virginia, deviated slightly from the protocol during roll call.

“This is for my friend Ted Kennedy,” Mr. Byrd said. “Aye!”

If the two chambers can come up with an agreement, the role of the federal government will be vastly expanded. Quick overview (though this bill is pretty damn complicated): 15 million people added to the Medicaid program and subsidizing private coverage for low- and middle-income people, at a cost to the government of $871 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Talk about times a changin'.

Clearly, there are members of Congress and citizens alike who are opposed to this piece of legislation as it will incur new taxes and fees on the American people. Senator Olympia Snowe, who has been a key moderate Republican in the health care debate, had problems with the fact that once the Dems locked up 60 votes in their Caucus, there could be no negotiations or amendments to the bill. I say, don't you freight Sen. Snowe, I'm sure that negotiations will still be had. For instance, whether or not to include abortion coverage is still an issue that needs to be discussed. Now that'd be a debate I'd like to watch with a bucket-o-popcorn and some Sno-Caps. Let's start the show!

To find out more about the Senate health care bill go here:

If this bill becomes law, it would be historic for our country and help the millions of Americans who are uninsured,struggle with medical bills, and use the emergency room as their doctor's office. The phrase "socialized medicine" has been demonized by the Republican Party and to many, indicates the downfall of the free market and the basic economic principles our country was built on.

But in my opinion, we need this reform. I know that everyone has been affected by this recession from the super-wealthy to those who live well below the poverty line. There are millions of people in our country who lack insurance and are unemployed, and who must decide each month whether to buy groceries or pay their utility bills. I understand no one likes to pay more in taxes, agreed. Sometimes I think "Why the hell is a third of my paycheck gone!? This sucks" Then I look at the roads I am driving on and the classrooms I was educated in remember why we pay taxes. It is the responsibility of those of us who can, at a reasonable degree, to pay a little more for those who can't. And that's why I'm a Democrat. If you don't agree, go get your own blog.

Alright, I'm all done now, hopefully I haven't offended anyone too much.
Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!! Go drink a bunch of egg nog, laugh with your friends and family, and whatever you do, don't think about your taxes tonight.

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