In case you hadn't heard, it snowed in the Portland-metro area yesterday afternoon. After about 2 hours and 1-3 inches of snow, what ensued was traffic chaos. Oregonians are not equipped to drive in this kind of weather. Most of us haven't had that much experience with it, and don't have the right kind of cars to drive in it safely. Hence the massive amount of cars abandoned on the side of the road as drivers stopped and just started trekin' by foot. At around 4:15, my boss told everyone to get out of the office and head home as to beat the traffic. Well, this was not an original idea as it seems every Portlander was doing the exact same thing. In my estimation, it wasn't the actual roads that were so bad but the amount of people on them!
It took me about an hour to go what usually takes me about 15 minutes. But that's nothing compared to those of you who braved I-5 and I-84! Then there are my parents, who are in the desert state of Arizona right now. Congrats, Mom and Dad!
Thanks Mother Nature, for that lovely farewell to 2009...
(Pictures provided by the Oregonian)

libs my shoes are usually pretty clean...what does that mean?