Yesterday I was watching the NCAA volleyball semi-finals between Penn State and Hawaii on TV. I played volleyball competitively for eight years, and still played for fun in intermural teams in college (DYNASTY Back-to-Back Champs).
Watching the match yesterday, I was struck by the ridiculous amounts of high-fives and/or low-fives that were given. These sweet little physical signs of "good job" or "congratulations" were doled out in huge amounts after EVERY SINGLE PLAY. You get a kill? High-fives all around (possibly even a butt slap). You miss a serve? High-fives everywhere. The ball goes right through the setter's hands and hits her in the face? Gimme five sister!!!
Here's a Q: Why?? I mean, isn't a high-five supposed to mean you did something good? I am by no means suggesting that a player gets the cold shoulder from his or her teammates if she isn't having a stellar game, but come on...let's earn those high-fives and butt slaps girls. Now, I was guilty of this high-five frenzy when I was a volleyball player as well. I lived in ignorant bliss of how ridiculous it looked to go around and give every player on the team a high-five after every single play. Mind you, a rally in volleyball probably lasts an average of 10 seconds, which means one is giving about 30 high-fives a minute. There is one word for this and it is the same word I would use to describe G.W. Bush's vacation days when he was in office: Excessive.
So I wondered, what does this ohenomenon stem from? At first I thought "Oh it's probably just because we are girls." Girl Power (circa Spice Girls '99), Solidarity Sister Suffragette.
But then I realized on my co-ed intermural teams at Linfield we also lived in high-five mania. So this could not be a "girl thing." This is just a "volleyball thing." It's unique to the sport. You don't see a girl's soccer team running around and giving every player a high-five after each dead ball. Soccer players are like "No way in hell am I running down this entire field to say 'Congrats on letting the other team score, you're a real star." But us volleyball players, we are on a pretty small court, don't have much personal space and we are nuts about congratulating each other, even when we look like complete dumbasses.
Now that I'm in Phase Four and I can look at this issue with unbiased eyes, I'm rather torn on how I feel about it. Part of me thinks the high-fives are overkill and most of the time undeserved. Nevertheless, the other part of me enjoys the team camaraderie. The jury is out on this issue.
But I do know one thing: When you are forced to perform physical activity in spandex briefs...you really gotta stick together.
You failed to mention the time spent in creating your very own special cheers for various volleyball wonders, like getting the proverbial ACE!
ReplyDeleteI like the vollyball is full of positive affirmations and think it is easier to listen to than all the chanting that goes on in softball games. Plus you girls looked so cute in your spandex!
ReplyDelete"...what does this ohenomenon stem from?"
ReplyDeleteI also would like to know the answer to this question!
Relish the days you received high and low fives, butt slaps and "good job" reviews after every play or just in general. In the world of work, one hears it rarely or only in performance evaluations. I would love to hear "good job" from my director but no butt slaps, please. Not from her or anyone I work with!
ReplyDeleteAs you mature and grow as a person and a leader (yes, we all can be leaders either with formal power or informal power) remember that almost everyone, especially those who work for you and with you, appreciate the authentic, positive feedback and verbal butt slaps for jobs well done. Slap on,sister.
No kidding. If only the 1,000 things I do every day could be graded and hung on my fridge. Or just an awesome high-five every now then. I'm pretty sure I'm going to start quoting "slap on, sister" at least twice a day now.
ReplyDeletei high five all the time in my office, and with the dudes a butt slap as well...i think its healthy.